Asociación Iniciativa Internacional Joven (Youth International Initiative Association) is an NGO from Malaga (Spain) created in 2003 from a group of youths who after participating in international programmes and activities, concluded that these experiences had been very important to change their life. Therefore, they decided to share them with other young people, collectives and associations, to enhance the interest in participating in international programs and exchanges, learning languages, realizing voluntary work, raising awareness, tolerance and respect for other cultures, etc. thereby contributing to personal and professional development of young people and adults. The mission of the organisation is to contribute to the comprehensive development and improvement of the quality of life of citizens, especially young people. We work at local and international level in the following areas of intervention: (1) Participation and Volunteering; (2) Culture of Peace and Interculturality; (3) Gender Equity; (4) Sustainable and Healthy Life; (5) Art and Creativity; (6) Personal development and entrepreneurship.
Foro para la Paz en el Mediterráneo (Forum for Peace in the Mediterranean) is an association that started working in 2007 thanks to the impulse of public and private entities in Malaga, although it was constituted as an independent organisation in 2018. Its main mission is the promotion of the culture of peace between the peoples of the two shores of the Mediterranean, understanding as a culture of peace the respect of values, attitudes and behaviours that reject violence, prevent conflicts and forge a more just, supportive, free and dignified world, betting on solving problems through dialogue and negotiation between people and nations. To achieve these goals, it organises the following activities: (a) Meetings, round tables and conferences”; (b) Establishment of action programmes in the cultural and sporting sphere; (d) Research on security issues and its implication with other social, economic, commercial, etc. aspects. (e) Design and creation of Chairs, Expert Courses and Masters aimed at promoting specialisations in the field of security and cooperation for peace in the Mediterranean; (f) Design and development of actions aimed at establishing a stable framework for economic cooperation between Mediterranean cities.
IMF-RIS is a non-profit organisation, created in 1990 to implement and manage training, study, consultancy and research activities in the field of social work and health, and to develop international cooperation activities. It is headquartered in Marseille and it offers a diversified range of training opportunities, among which we can mention: (a) Accreditation of 7 diplomas from level I to V; (b) Certifications or qualifications; © Vocational training. In addition, it has a research laboratory specialising in social work, counselling, youth work and socio-cultural animation. Its pedagogical approach is based on alternation, transversality, modularity and openness to multiculturalism. For the development of people, mainly young people, it carries out individualised reception and information activities, counselling and guidance, pre-training, pedagogical support and validation of prior learning. The proposed training is divided into pedagogical units that can be capitalised according to flexible modalities adapted to the individual (face-to-face and/or distance training, continuous and/or discontinuous, etc.).
CESIE is a European Centre for Studies and Initiatives based in Sicily, established in 2001 and inspired by the work and theories of the pacifist Danilo Dolci (1924–1997). It is a non-profit and apolitical organisation, which links local, national and international contexts and stimulates development and change in the educational, cultural and economic spheres by creating and using innovative tools and methods, connecting research with action through the use of non-formal learning approaches. The organisation’s mission is to promote innovation, participation and growth in education. With regard to the objectives directly related to youth, it promotes their active citizenship, training, education and mobility. The organisational structure is divided into six Units working in synergy and managing activities in their specific fields: Youth, Adult Education, School Education, Migration, Higher Education and Research, Rights and Justice. The units are supported by 3 geographical departments (local, European and international) and 4 transversal offices (visibility and communication, networking, HR and financial department).
ASED is a non-governmental youth organisation whose main objective is to empower a new generation of Tunisian leaders through the development of their skills and competencies so that they can acquire a new perspective and develop their critical thinking, as well as promote peace understood as social justice. The motto of the organisation is: “capacity building is an exchange of skills”. Its main activities include: (a) Youth exchanges, seminars, training courses and workshops on topics of interest related to active participation, education in values, culture of peace, democracy, respect for human rights and critical thinking; (b) Creation of youth clubs and activities on social, environmental and cultural issues; © Organisation of debates and discussion circles for young people to reflect on current issues and to present their proposals against racism, xenophobia and discrimination; (d) Promotion of solidarity and volunteering at local and international level and activities for young people to get out of their comfort zone and start their own activities and/or projects; (e) Artistic and cultural activities; (f) Sending and hosting European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteers.
JOVESOLIDES Egypt is a social enterprise born in 2017 from a group of young people who experienced a transformation in their lives after participating in international mobility programmes. Its motto is “innovation and development to change the world” and the main purpose is to promote the creation of new development opportunities for society by strengthening the mutual knowledge of its people through youth leadership, youth social entrepreneurship and social innovation. In particular, the entity works to create a new generation of young Egyptian leaders, aged 18–30, committed to social justice, innovation, solidarity, entrepreneurship and sustainable development. Its main activities include: (a) Workshops and training for the empowerment and skills development of young people; (b) Promotion of volunteering, solidarity and active citizen participation; © Social entrepreneurship; (d) Virtual and face-to-face youth exchanges and other educational mobility activities to foster dialogue between countries in Europe and the MENA region, dismantle stereotypes and create awareness campaigns to promote the building of democratic societies based on equality, tolerance and solidarity.
HR180 is based in Jabal Al Waibdeh (Amman) and it is specialised in personal development, strategic solution finding and human resource development applied to the specific needs of the population. It was founded in 2012 by a group of empowered, strong and persevering women with the aim of empowering other women, promoting their personal and professional development, and contributing to the creation of a society based on tolerance, interculturality, equality and inclusion. Based on a holistic approach that incorporates good practices with specialised knowledge, it promotes the creation of tangible results and long-term projects. Among the activities to be highlighted we can mention: (a) Assessment and development of competencies of youth workers and social educators through workshops, courses and other trainings; (b) Awareness raising campaigns and awareness raising activities on sustainable development and environment; © Motivational and educational workshops to develop a sense of initiative, entrepreneurship, active participation and creativity through active methodologies and practices mediated by values such as cooperation, tolerance, mutual understanding and social justice.
YDO is an association that works for the development of youth leadership and collective power to achieve social justice, peace, human dignity and freedom for all in a sustainable environment. It is based in Bakaata, a rural village 45 kilometres from Beirut, in the Governorate of Mount Lebanon. The main objectives of YDO are: (a) To increase the participation of young people in their communities, schools, organisations, families and peer groups; (b) To recognise, empower and employ young people’s skills, enhancing their professional opportunities; © To promote intercultural dialogue and foster progressive and healthy relationships. YDO organises local workshops and training courses on different topics of interest (healthy lifestyles, environment, women’s empowerment, democracy, art and theatre, social inclusion, etc.), trainings, seminars and youth exchanges in the framework of SALTO-Euromed, supports research and innovation and promotes networking with other associations in the MENA region, the Mediterranean and the European Union. Through these activities, YDO aims to promote changes in behaviour and mentality, the development of practical skills and the creation of agents of social change.
FMD is an association created in 2016 by young activists, with the mission of promoting a progressive vision of Moroccan society where a culture of human rights is highlighted and a democratic awareness is (re)activated in young people where there is no extremism, exclusion, oppression and authoritarianism. The organisation works at two levels: (a) Institutional: through reports and advocacy proposals in collaboration with political parties, trade unions, ministries and other national institutions. At the same time, it presents proposals for action to stakeholders (interested persons and institutions) on issues relevant to Moroccan youth; (b) Social: training and awareness-raising activities for young people on social, political and economic problems in Morocco. Organisation of trainings, workshops, conferences and round tables. The values on which the association’s work is based are: (a) democracy; (b) progressivism; © universalism; (d) independence; and (e) openness. The organisation works mainly on advocacy and organises cycles on different social and political issues. Each cycle consists of five events: workshop, conference, roundtable, advocacy tour and café-debate.