
The Youth for Peace in the Mediterranean Project has been presented in Palermo

On the 29th of April 2024, the Youth for Peace in the Mediterranean has been presented at Spazio Euphoria. This creative and contemporary circus is home to performers and educators that bring non-formal education methodologies into arts. In particular, thanks to contemporary circus and community-based art approaches, these performers and acrobats bring issues related to society and justice into circus activities in marginalised spaces, engaging with different actors.

During the presentation, young people, youth workers, students, and artists have been invited to discuss social justice and participatory engagement models, along with storytelling and community-based approaches. They suggested several approaches to broaden the public of the project, including open air activities and community events such as shows, conferences, and university-led meetings.

Participants were genuinely enthusiastic about the project’s objectives and raised awareness on the need to engage communities in Palermo with more profound discussions and debates on social justice and peace education. They have also suggested some techniques to reach out to young people in order to get them involved into community-based debates on peace and peace education.

In brief: the first presentation was a success! We really look forward meeting more and more people to engage with them for the building of educational non-formal models tackling peace and social justice.